Computer Model Questions - 03

1. Share-alike is related to what?
Ans: Share-alike is a copyright licensing term

2. Expand FOSS.
Ans: Free and Open Source Software

3. What is 'Yandex'?
Ans: Search Engine

4. Who developed 'Libre Office'?
Ans: The Document Foundation

5. Who Is The Author Of 'Weaving The Web'?
Ans:  Tim Berners Lee

6. Who Is Known As Human Computer?
Ans: Shakuntala Devi

7. 'Do No Evil' Is The Tagline of?
Ans: Google

8. First Indian Daily To Get Online Edition?
Ans: Deepika

9. What Is Netizen?
Ans: Net Citizen

10. Name The Malayalam Web Browser By C-DIT?
Ans: Web Darshini

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