
1. Mannathu Padmanabhan was born on

2. The birth place of Mannathu Padmanabhan

3. Father name ?

4. Mother name ?

5. Wife name ?

6. NSS was formed in ?

7. The founder of NSS ?

8. The Headquarters of NSS is situated at ?

9. NSS was formed on the model of ?

10. NSS was earlier named as  ?

11. The mouth piece of NSS ?

12. Service started its edition from ?

13. The year which NSS was registered under Indian Companies Act ?

14. The name Nair Brithyajana Sangam was suggested by ?

15. The first President of NSS  ?

16. The first Secretary of NSS  ?

17. The first treasury of NSS  ?

18. Nair Brithyajana Sangam took the name NSS in ?

19. The name NSS was suggested by ?

20. The first school of NSS started in ?

21. The first principal of Karukachal NSS School  ?

22. The first College of NSS started in  ?

23. The first Karayoga of NSS started in ?

24. The year in which All kerala Nair Meeting was started ?

25. The song "Akhilandamandalam" is written by ?

26. Mannath padmanabhan was nominated to Sree Moolam prajasabha in ?

27. Savarna Jadha was led by ?

28. Savarna jadha conducted from ?

29. Savarna Jadha was organised as a part of ?

30. Vaikom Memorial was submitted to ?

31. The President of Guruvayoor Sathyagraham Committee ?

32. The Secretary of Guruvayoor Sathyagraham Committee ?

33. Mannath padmanabhan become INC member in ?

34. The famous "Muthukulam Speech" related to ?

35. Mannath padmanabhan become a member of Travancore Legislative Assembly in ?

36. The first President of Travancore Devasaom Board ?

37. Vimochana Samaram(Liberation Struggle) was in the year ?

38. Who lead the Jeevasikha Yatra as a part of Vimochana Samaram ?

39. Jeevasikha Yatra conducted from ?

40. The causes of Vimochana Samaram(Liberation Struggle) ?

41. The leader of Vimochana Samaram(Liberation Struggle) ?

42. The name Vimochana Samaram suggested by ?

43. The movement caused the dismissal of the first Communist Government (31 July 1959) ?

44. The party formed by Mannath Padmanabhan and R.Shankar was ?

45. The association founded by Mannath Padmanabhan with the help of R.Shankar ?

46. Who is known as "Bharath Kesari" ?

47. Who got the degree of "Bharath Kesari" from the Indian President ?

48. Mannath Padmanabhan got padmabhushan in ?

49. Mannath Padmanabhan Died on ?

50. Where is Mannath Samadhi situated ?

51. Who is known as Madhan Mohan Malavya of Kerala ?

52. Who gave the title of Madhan Mohan Malavya of Kerala ?

53. The founder of Nair Samajam ?

54. The founder of Kerala Nair Samajam ?

55. The party started by NSS ?

56. The Present General Secretary of NSS ?

57. The Autobiography of Mannath Padmanabhan ?

58. The novel written by Mannath Padmanabhan ?

59. Which year Kerala Government declared Mannam Jayanti as public holiday ?

60. Mannam Jayanti is celebrated on ?

61. Njangaluda F.M.S Yatra was the work of ?

62. he only social reformer to speech in Malayalam on British Broad Casting Corporation(BBC) ?

63. Mannam Sugar Mills is situated at ?

64. The year which Indian Postal Department published postal stamp of ?

65. The first women member of Kochi legislative assembly ?

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